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Now celebrating over 104 years of ministry, the OCC is one of the oldest state ecumenical councils in the United States. Our collaborative represents the largest and most diverse group of Christians in Ohio, encompassing 4,000 congregations and two-million members. The OCC is an Ohio expression of the historic ecumenical worldwide movement with connections to both the Washington, DC-Based National Council of Churches and the Geneva, Switzerland-based World Council of Churches. By God’s grace, the Council serves as a platform through which the unity of Christ’s church is made visible.

As member churches partner with God and one another to collaborate, we acknowledge our God-given gift of unity while expressing our desire to be one in witness and service to the world.  Through this, we offer a faithful response to our common mission and Jesus' prayer, "…that they may all be that the world may believe." (John 17:21).

Executive Committee
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