History of the Council's Anti-Racism Work
The Ohio Council of Churches identifies, challenges and changes the values, structures and behaviors that perpetuate systemic racism. Education and activism is necessary because racism remains embedded in every "level" and "spheres" of society. It functions to produce and maintain exclusionary levels and spheres of unfavorable influence in polices and practice.
The Ohio Council of Churches has a long history of confronting racism and being a leading voice in the anti-racism movement as it impacts all of our member denominations and humanity in general.
Our most recent anti-racism ministry effort has been in concert with the “A.C.T. Now to End Racism” movement initiated by the National Council of Churches in the USA (NCC). On April 4, 2018, the NCC convened a national gathering of its partners on the National Mall in Washington, DC. This historic effort called participants to remember and express gratitude for the life and ministry of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther, King., Jr., who was assassinated 50 years ago on April 4, 1968.
In addition, the National Mall event enabled each NCC partner and the nation to recommit to eradicating systemic racism that is entrenched in the United States and throughout the world. It grips and paralyzes our ability to see every human being as equal.
Ohio Council of Churches organized and mobilized the participation of three busloads of Ohioans who made their way to Washington, DC for this moment of re-dedication, and to witness the launching of the NCC’s Truth and Racial Justice Initiative.
With God’s help made known through the bold leadership and witness of member denominations and partners, the Ohio Council of Churches joins with Christians everywhere in challenging ourselves and our communities to join in truth-telling efforts that lead to actions that right past and current wrongs, build loving and just relationships, and, with God’s grace, bring healing and wholeness to all people, and unity to the nation.
As a result together we are equipped to:
AWAKEN ourselves to the truth that racism is ever-present, deeply rooted in American culture, and profoundly damaging to our communities;
CONFRONT racism, speak truth to ourselves, our communities and institutions, and stand against injustice; and
TRANSFORM the hearts, minds, and behaviors of people and structures that shape society.
Anti-Racism Resources
A series of resources have been prepared by the ministers and congregations who participate in the Anti-Racism Team of the Ohio Council of Churches. You may download these available resources in the pdf "Discussing Racism and White Privilege to Christianize American Churches, First Edition, August 2020" or you may view segments by clicking the links below.
Additional Resources & Links

How to Be a (Young) Antiracist
Coming soon: January 31, 2023
The New York Times bestseller How to be Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi is shaping the way a generation thinks about race and racism. How to be a (Young) Antiracist is a dynamic reframing of the concepts shared in the adult book, with young adulthood front and center.